Exchange and Return policy
When you buy something from MADAMME BK, we hope you love it, however if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase or gift for any reason, please review our return, refund, and exchange policies below for purchases.
In all cases, products must be returned exclusively in new condition with the original tag any time within 07 days after receiving your order
We offer free shipping to all countries, however the costs of returning are for your own account.
Exchange the item
If you have received your MADAMME BK item and the size or style is not quite right, please, message us at with your order number and name.
Please follow the same instructions above to return and receive a correct sized product.
Make sure to use our SIZE CHART available here to prevent any future issues. Return of Online Purchases By Mail.
Return Policy
– Returns need to be announced to within 07 days after receiving your order.
Please include the order number, full name and item name(s) in your email.
– Returns need to be delivered to MADAMME BK in the Netherlands within 05 days after you announced your return.
MADAMME BK will refuse returns that are:
– Not timely announced or timely returned.
– Not in perfect condition .
Follow these 2 easy steps to exchange or return your items by mail.
Step 1: Contact us to inform of the return with your order number and name.
We are available at all times to receive any information regarding an exchange of items purchased through our website. Please, email us at and a confirmation will be sent shortly.
Step 2: Ship your return
Package your return item in the original packaging (if available). Otherwise, pack your return in a well-padded envelope to prevent damage in transit.
The products are your responsibility until they are returned to us, so please ensure that they are properly packaged and cannot be damaged in transit.
We can charge costs in the event of damage. We cannot send an acknowledgment of receipt of your return.
Therefore, always keep the receipt of the return, so that you can always check when we have received your return.
You will receive an email confirmation when your return is processed.
Returns can be mailed to our warehouse in the Netherlands:
Tappersweg 64
Returns must be shipped within 04 days from the date of our exchanged messages.
Items shipped to Madamme BK outside of the returns window may not be returned to you.
Delivery fee of return or exchanged product:
MADAMME BK will only pay the delivery cost from MADAMME BK warehouse to the clients address.
MADAMME BK will only refund the full amount of the product purchased at the online store
Frequently Asked Questions related to exchange & returns
Wrong address
MADAMME BK is not responsible for items that could not be shipped to their destination because of an incorrect or undeliverable address.
It is the responsibility of the customer to review their shipping address and information for accuracy before completing the purchase.
Refunds or exchanges will not be issued on the basis of an incorrect address.
If a package is shipped back to MADAMME BK due to an incorrect/undeliverable address and missed to collect your parcel, THE SECOND shipping will be charged 10 euros.
If client wants refund after the first attempted delivery, refund will be made with -12 euros from the original order.
Please make sure we have your shipping address correct.
Where do I find my tracking number?
Your tracking number can be found in the e-mail that you added at the moment of fulfilling your order. Please check your spam box.
Forgot to Collect missed delivery
What happens if I don't pick up my package from the Post Office when I missed the delivery?
Your order will be at the nearest post office of your address for 08 days.
After the holding period is up, and no one has come to claim the package, the post office attempts to mail it back your order to our warehouse.
It is the responsibility of the customer to track the parcel and make sure that your parcel is still in transit or it is already ready to be collected because the Post office could not delivery in hands yoour order. If a package is shipped back to MADAMME BK due to missed delivery, THE SECOND shipping will be charged 10 euros.
If client wants refund after the first attempted delivery, refund will be made with -12 euros from the original order.​
Please make sure you track your parcel.
I have received the wrong item
We do everything we can to guarantee the best quality, but unfortunately it can happen that an item is damaged or incorrectly delivered.
Please contact us. You will then receive all the information free of charge to arrive at a suitable solution as quickly as possible.
Can I request refund on my Gift Card?
No, This product is not eligible for refund or store credit.